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Thursday, June 4, 2015

chronicles of a frog's journey

the sky was beautiful.
the little wonderland was filled with little surprises.
a frog had a photoshoot.
(i was talking to it in a british accent... my neighbours probably think i'm crazy :D)
so let's all enjoy the little things.

 i found him on an aloe vera plant when i was watering plants.
he was slimy :) he jumped a lot. he could make a frog houdini
 the frogs in the creek started croaking.
so he started his journey up and over the fence, into the creek.
bon voyage!

nope. not that far off the ground yet.

 sometimes, you just need to know where to look to find the small wonders.
 hello there :)
 caught in action

he's surprisingly fast at climbing :)
taking a break
stop and look at the scenery. 
it's the process, not the destination.
not much longer...
the road may seem long, but before you know it, you're almost there...
somebody wanted attention <3
she eats his kind, but life is life...
and life goes on...

go on a small adventure and see what it brings you!
don't overlook even the smallest, most mundane things.
sometimes that's why you aren't happy.
people say happiness is a shallow feeling.
not at all.


  1. I love those pictures. I am not from the blog you followed. I am on the other one on that account


    1. Hi +shybeauty ;p :D your blogs are beautiful! thank you so much for this lovely comment; sometimes I fret that my posts are too long :P hehe

  2. Replies
    1. oh thank you devanshi! once again you have proved to be the best blog design guru ever! your continous support makes me happy and so do your blogs :D


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